Sunday, 6 July 2014

15 Day Affirmation Challenge: Starting Tomorrow

Hello, all! I am announcing my participation in a 15 day affirmation challenge starting tomorrow. It is being run by the founder of personal development website Personal Excellence, Celestine Chua. For more information on the challenge, click here.

Why an affirmation challenge? Well, why not? I have been feeling lately the need for a bit of a kick start to my life, and what better way to start than with my thoughts? The goal is to change my internal thought process, the way I speak to myself, and to allow change to follow through to my attitude and behaviours.

To be honest, I have no idea what to expect, therefore I am a bit nervous putting this on display for all to see, but I do hope it will be a positive experience that will have a noticeable impact on my life.

As a somewhat longtime reader of PE, I have no doubt that this challenge will indeed bring about change, whether big or small, and thus I look forward to seeing what will come of it.

I hope you will join me on this journey, whether by blogging about it or through a less public medium, and are able to experience a fruitful outcome to the process.

Let's get started, shall we?


  1. THIS is AWESOME! And I totally want to do this when I finish my Happy 30 day challenge :) Cannot wait to see your posts and grow with you!

    1. Thanks so much! It's been a little nerve wrecking having to be so honest in plain sight, but I think it's worth it :) I have also been following your challenge; looks like fun!
