Monday, 14 July 2014

15 Day Affirmation Challenge: Day 7

I am participating in PE's 15 Day Affirmation Challenge. For more information, click here.

Day 7's task is about opportunities.

Identify an area of your life where you feel blocked by lack of opportunities.
  • For this task, I'd have to come back to career opportunities. Right now, as a recent university graduate, I'm still unsure of what I want to do with my life, so much so that it is a constant source of anxiety. I think the main reason I feel this way is that I don't see any opportunities that really excite me. I would love to somehow combine my passion for writing and wanting to help people into a career. But I can't really see anything that would lead me there. To top it off, there are other areas in my life such as music and travel that I would also love to add in to the mix but it just feels very mixed up and confusing for me to imagine a role that could potentially combine everything. A lot of my confusion about the issue is that I have passion for areas that are not "traditional" and there is a lot of pressure from parental forces for me to get a "real job."
"Ask yourself, 'How can I create the opportunity to succeed in this area?'"
  • I think I need to discern what is "career opportunity" material from something I can potentially do on the side, even though saying this is both painful and confusing, because I feel like no matter what road I take, I'd have to be sacrificing something I love and want to do. A good first step would be to do some research on the various areas I am interested in. The best way would be to actually speak to people in said fields. Therefore, I have to find people and reach out to them to get an idea of what it is like in their respective fields. 
  • Possibly a good way to know what career I should go into would be to ask myself truly and honestly what I want from my life. To sum up in a sentence, I'd say that I want to help people. I can look into these fields and see what the scope for this (helping) is, and if it doesn't fall into that category, perhaps it will have to be relegated to the side.

 This has been and still is a huge source of anxiety in my life. As I had mentioned in one of my previous posts, I tend to avoid things that make me anxious, which while shielding me from something scary at the moment, has dire long term consequences. Working on my anxiety (in general) will also hopefully be a step in the right direction not only concerning my career opportunities, but many other aspects of my life.

"Opportunities are everywhere. It's up to me to find or create them and make things happen."

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